- Q&A Talk with Wendy Samson STN (October 2019)
- Pregnancy, Fertility and IBD Fact Sheet (courtesy of GESA) (June 2019)
- Dr Emma Flanagan - Fertility and Pregnancy for people with IBD (June 2019)
- Treatments for IBD - An Update with Dr Emily Wright (May 2018)
- Panel Discussion - "The Three S's: Skin, Stomas and Sex" (May 2018)
- Panel Discussion - "Returning to My 'New' Normal" (April 2017)
- Meeting with Dr Catherine Granger (April 2017)
- In Memory of Steph (March 2017)
- Our Founding Nurse's Report - 75th Anniversary of Banka Island Massacre (February 2017)
- Travel Tips from an Ostomate that Irrigates (September 2016)
- Colostomy Irrigation (September 2016)
- Q&A Meeting with Professor Ian Hayes (June 2016)
- Closure of the Northern Ostomy Support Group (June 2016)
- Meeting with Melanie McGrice (December 2015)
- YOU's 25th Birthday Celebration Report (January 2015)
- 4 Reasons You Should See a Dietitian (Courtesy of Melanie McGrice) (January 2015)
- IBD & Stoma Kids Thank You (May 2014)
- "How Can YOU Help You" Report (October 2013)
- Gold Coast Ostomy Association Seminar Report (June 2013)
- IBD - Talk by Professor Tony Catto-Smith (November 2012)
- Memories of Lana (August 2012)
- "Who Cares For The Carers?" Report (September 2010)
- Snippets from YOU's Original Website (October 1998 to May 2002)
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(Dates listed in brackets above are the month each article or file first appeared on the YOU Inc website unless otherwise stated)